Sunday, September 6, 2009

BNP on Question Time: The Times article-a comment

The BNP is a legal democratic political party, which as the BBC (suprisingly enough has realised!) now has a mandate. The only reason public servants can be sacked for membership of the BNP is due to the undemocratic reactions of the liebour party and its politically correct unions.

Almost 1 million people voted BNP. It is about time the liebour strangle hold on this Nation's right to speak publicly ceased!

The British National Party would be delighted to discuss it's policies openly. However, it was always denied a platform-with liebour backed seachlight/hope not hate thugs insisting on pulling the 'race' card. How can a government or organisation claim to be 'democratic' when it will not even confront its supposed opponents!

Yet these are the violent scum who smashed cars and cash machines in Denby in an attempt to prevent or provoke an outcry against the BNP's Red, White and Blue family festival.

Take note that it is fine for communist speakers to hold public meetings and possibly even evict BNP members (what are we not members of the public!) but we a legal democratic political party with 2 elected MEP's are still attacked by government sponsered thugs at our meetings. Landlords fear their licences revoked if they play host to our events. Tony Ward attacked with a claw hammer and we have another innocent scouser tied up in court for celebrating St. Georges Day! If this isn't enough searchlight is backed by Liebour using British Tax payers money!

Yes the BNP talks about immigration. How it takes British jobs from British workers. How Brown has sold our British industry. Privatising our public sevices-hicking up the prices. This isn't 'racist' this is fact and it will only get worse! The British National Party is the only party brave enough to address these matters. Our British heritage is being sold from right under our noses. Our Nation with specific ethnic identities English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish is being cunningly 'cleansed' from Europe by a creeping epidemic.

Totalitarianism is attacking from within and without.

Is it not ironic that at their trial both Nick and Mark swore on a bible to tell the whole truth yet a judge told them that the truth itself is no defense! It used to set you free, however, if the truth got out Liebour would be destroyed. The BNP is that truth and that is what it is so afraid of.