Friday, March 27, 2009

Money Talks

A huge spider’s web hung between Exchange Flags. It supported a spider designed by Ai Weiwei, and is was meant to emphasis links already in place between Liverpool and China. In China tradition and culture are very important, reported the Daily Post (02/10/08). FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technologies) and LARC (Liverpool Arts Regeneration Consortium) are falling over themselves to “maximise the cultural potential in the closer relationship Liverpool is building with its Chinese sister”. Of course no mention was made of indigenous culture and its relevance to our own Nation during this 'glorious' year of 'culture'. Yet that’s not the point is it, on the face of it the celebrations for City of Culture et al were harmless festivals that looked interesting, and that’s were the problem lies. Look further and it’s all about money, and that’s where it started to get really scary.

“Wirral Applauds Chinese ‘Coup’” screams Liverpool Daily Post (03/10/08) as Chinese investment comes to the Wirral. Again the affiliation with China is espoused. We must recall that only a day ago we ‘celebrated’ cultural links to China with Weiwei’s spider. High on the agenda of the article is the city of Suzhou, a neighbour of Shanghai, which is noted for its history and culture. In itself the idea seems somewhat benign even positive. To forge a business relationship between Wirral docklands and Shanghai’s port cities. Surely this is a good thing after all Liverpool supposedly already has strong ties with China. In fact it has already been “agreed to try and improve the teaching of Chinese in Wirral school’s” This will be ‘great for Liverpool’s Chinese community! It will also encourage further ethnic migration into Liverpool and the Wirral. For those who can teach Chinese at secondary level will flood into the city. It is of course economic migration and purely money orientated, not helpful to the indigenous scouser or those on the Wirral.

I also wonder how this relates to our other language tool now emerging in the primary sector. Any regular to the BNP website will be aware of the primary school in Brighton, East Sussex that has turned to Makaton in its classrooms as they are finding it difficult to communicate with children of ‘our’ multicultural neighbours. Fairlight Primary school also ‘boasted’ that 26 different languages were spoken at the school-English wasn’t mentioned. So as English falls by the wayside maybe adopting Chinese is not as mad as it sounds. If this doesn’t work we can always resort to sign language!

Not that it really matters. I mean if it wasn’t for America we would all be speaking German anyway wouldn't we?! So Hitler invaded Poland on 1st September 1939. Yes Neville Chamberlain did declare war on 3rd September 1939. True Britain was at war for pretty much 2 years before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour. Incidentally that was on the 12th December 1941 and following this America officially entered WWII. Still were you to believe Hollywood America is apparently the saviour of the ‘free’ world. To compound this Sir Winston Churchill has been taken off the curriculum in Britain’s secondary schools. So our indigenous children will not learn about one of our greatest war leaders. Instead black history is now compulsory in secondary schools. Our children will now learn about a black slave Okuldah Equiano (who?). The name appears on the timeline in the Horrible Histories series entitled The Barmy British Empire. This highly ‘interesting’ book directed at key stage 3 (years 7-9 in secondary school) does a splendid job of instilling guilt in our indigenous children for colonisation and the slave trade. Nowhere does it mention that Britain was the second Nation to end its slave trade (Denmark was first). This is not a history of Britain but a fantastic piece of propaganda and the front page says it all “cruel Britannia”. This is the introduction: -

“You’re sitting at home one day when in march a bunch of soldiers and say ‘hello! we’ve come to take over your house, your street, your town!
‘Who says you can do that’
‘My gun says I can do that’
And that’s how it was with the British Empire till about 1900”.

The whole book is a litany of ‘evil’ deeds performed by the British during the days of Empire. To the uninformed this book is deadly. The period of Empire had some of our greatest heroes and battles fought. Are we to let this be overshadowed by one small glitch and one that we did rectify. In fact Europe and especially Britain did not initiate the slave trade, it was already there. It was by Native Africans who were not to happy when Britain, then thortly thereafter the rest of Europe withdrew! This is clearly a guilt trip and a twisting of our Great and Glorious History. So it is not that surprising to learn that the whole Horrible Histories series is very similar. Other examples are The Magna Carta, signed by King John at Runnymede 15th June 1215. A most democratic of charters. Many copies were made and distributed all over England so all people of England would know their liberties. Yet The Measly Middle Ages timeline chooses to record this momentous occasion thus-

“1215 Measly King John gets too greedy for money and
power. His barons make him sign the Magna Carta and
give power back to the people…well the rich people.”

I get the distinct impression that the author of this series has somewhat leftish leanings. No wonder he appealed to comrades Blair and Brown.

The Slimy Stuarts timeline opens at 1603 with the death of one of our greatest Queens Elizabeth I. It is accounted here most un-reverently as “kicks the royal bucket”. It would seem that none of these books are meant to inspire pride in British History. At ‘best’ they poke fun at worst they represent a form of propaganda that re-writes British History. So why encourage a people to be ashamed of there past. Is it necessary for the indigenous Britons to embrace China so fully. Not unless there is a cunning plan in place and I think there is.

The current government constantly tells us that Britain is a part of a global community and we should embrace this. Consequently we are bombarded by ‘new’ cultures. Last year Liverpool Metro (08/07/08) reported on the Arabic Arts Festival. Before highlighting the many forthcoming ‘delights’ from the Arabic world to be held in our City, the article took a stroll through Toxteth. On our way we passed “a synagogue, a Caribbean centre and meeting places dedicated to people of Somalian, Nigerian and Bangladeshi descent”. Oh and don’t forget the Chinese community. Apparently we are ‘lucky’ enough to have the oldest in Europe.

Curiously on this stroll the Metro reporter completely failed to notice the huge edifice that is dedicated to English Christianity-The Anglican Cathedral. Since this is most defiantly a part of our cultural heritage I find it hard to believe that it has been omitted. Particularly since it is cunningly located just up the road from the Chinese community so if you were taking a stroll in that area you could hardly miss it! I should know since I paid a visit just recently. Our Anglican Liverpool Cathedral is phenomenal! Begun in 1904 its architect Giles Gilbert Scott created an absolutley huge, magnificant and awe inspiring space. The architecture is 'Gothic' with arches and spires that Christianity suggests "leads the eye heavenwards" to God. I concure. I walked into the Cathedral and was immediatly entranced by the shear vastness. I walked around captivated, with my head craned to see. This building truly reaches for the stars! It is aspirational, ever onward and upward, unlike todays 'modern' structures. There arn't any spires, turets or towers to be seem. Buildings seem to crawl along the floor, be square and boxy. Curiously is is highly suggestive of something the Doctor said in an with the last Darlek. "You don't want to reach the stars, you want to take the stars and bury them underground". Or words to that effect. Similarly God's or 'Gothic' architecture maintains the sense of inspiration, reaching. Whilst retaining a link to the past and tradition. Modern structures shed completely any link to the past and refain from reaching unless it is to sprawl farther across is Land.

Incidentally the Catholic Cathedral was not mentioned either.

If this isn’t enough the Daily Post (18/07/08) proudly announced the celebration of ancient Japanese culture for Britain’s Japanese Ambassador. Shin Ebihara travelled to Liverpool to launch Japan Day. Evidently it’s quite easy to pull out all the stops for a foreign dignitary. It was also a splendid opportunity to cram more foreign culture into our younger generations. I find this a complete afront to the Native folk of this Land when we had to fight to prevent the celebration of St. George's Day being BANNED. The reason? It was considered 'rascist' and too 'tribal'. (Yet if some African dancers turned up the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation would probably dedicate a show to them! ) This is the Patron Saint of ENGLAND. A country of BRITAIN. It is the 23rd April. In fact it is not even recognised as a public holiday (actually neither are St David’s or St Andrew’s Day) St. Patrick’s Day is, however!

The point is within this so-called global community it would seem that British Culture does not figure. It does not attract investment opportunities. So in fact not only does the British Culture not figure but also the current government is on a drive to re-write or eradicate Britain from history, and they have agents to help. Its most recent attempt has been by Davide De Maestri.

This person, writing for the Liverpool Daily Post (09/10/08) would like to replace the Liver Bird with the Superlambanana. His makes his motives plain, it is all about business. The Lambanana is a trademark and in the age of ‘branding’ the ‘organisation’ that is Liverpool needs a flashy, fashionable, up-to-date new logo for commercial success. Again its all about attracting business and investment to the City. Of course there isn’t anything scouse about the Lambanana. As we already know it was designed by a Japanese artist based in Manhattan. It was actually a reaction to genetic engineering! It is purely a piece of, in my opinion, not very inspiring modern ‘art’.

On the other hand there is the Liver Bird, which is a traditional symbol with links to England’s History. Though the Liver itself is a mythical bird it may once have been an eagle, the sigil of King John. This would date back to the 1st Charter in 1207. The eagle may have been lost to a cormorant at a later point. A bird common to the Mersey Estuary. This in itself formulates ties to Liverpool. With such ties a plethora of Scouse myths have grown around the Liver Bird.

The Superlambanana does not have a past. It does not have a mythology. Were it to replace the Liver then a part of England’s past would be lost with it. The Scouser will loose a focus of a Liverpool past and mythology and a sense of Scouse identity. Without an identity there arn't any ties to the place, no roots in the city. This is what the current government, I believe, are pursuing on a much wider scale. By undermining British Culture and re-writing or eradicating British History (think of Sir Winston Churchill) the current government aims to take away the indigenous peoples identity. Without history, traditions, culture to instil pride in the Nation the people become rootless. This would be the perfect material for this new global community. For true global unity one needs a global culture. So the powers that be are aiming for cultural hegemony. Everyone must identify with the same things. In this “Brave New world” controlled by brands, profits, buying and selling it is little wonder that money is to be the dominant influence. Foreign investment is attracted with huge displays of their culture. This is compounded as the won investment ‘regenerates’ cities. Traditional local shops disappear to be replaced by modern shopping centres and supermarkets. The cities start to look the same as they take on a modern utilitarian look. Each city loosing its own individual identity-their soul. As the cities loose their soul so will the people. All that’s left is a shallow, meaningless, hollow shell. The way to fill this vessel, this shell is provided by our modern new cities. Presented with a plastic card go and amuse yourself with a spending spree at one of those ‘beautiful’ shopping centres.

It’s reminiscent of 1984. The truly horrifying thing is its already in play. But it is possible to fight back. Learn about our History. Keep the traditions alive. Demand a place for indigenous British Culture. But most of all Vote British National Party.

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