Thursday, March 26, 2009


Hello and welcome to Albion Calling.

I set up this blog as a space to write and get out stuff that is on my mind! So lets start....

Brussel's Broadcasting Corporation at it again..

"2nd Episode Born Equal? Andrew Marr explores Darwin's impact on politics and society including how the theory of Natural Selection has been used to justify oppression."

The above is the blurb from the recent BBC documentary Darwin's Dangerous Idea. As you can guess its another white guilt trip with the added delight of twisting Darwin making the whole of White Western Europe responsible for the holocaust. 'Funnily' (ironic) enough they address the death of an aboriginal male who is the last of his 'race', (in this context he is viewed as primative) and decry how his remains are treated. The immence dark irony is the threat to the ethnic English, which they (the political elite) do not or will not see.

We (supposedly) live in a multicultural and global society. Three words that I have a signifigant problem with. In the first plcace we are told this multiculturalism is based on a 'celebration' of 'diversity'. FANTASTIC. I love difference. I have a degree in theology and religious studies and a masters in the same. The whole point of studying this area was because I was attracted to the DIFFERENT cultures and religions. Granted my favourite is Western philosophy and Norse mythology but being an Anglo-Saxon Nationalist this was inevitable. Yet that does not mean I fail to appriciate anothers cultue! Therefore, while in uni I was under the grave and misguided notion that multiculturalism was good.

Its not.

Far from promoting difference it seeks to homogonise or blend everything together. Making one huge congonglomorised lump of shallow sameness. The 'establishment' are doing this via globalism. Without boarders cultures mix, blend and die. Without the folk of their community to bind the tradition together the tradition is lost.

I feel that this is the difference between community and society. Community represents grass roots traditional family responsibility and wider moral action. Society is what happens when such common sense notions are lost and we start to see a greater govermental intrusion into our private lives.

A particular example of this is the modern 'respect culture' that has appeared in recent years. This is blatantly ridiculous as it promotes 'respect' in isolation. Respect is not a free floating concept. It rides in tandem with Duty and Responsibility. How can one give 'repect' to a mear child when the child has yet to aquire any form of responsibility, and the chance of it having any concept of duty in this day and age is practically zero!

So this is the 'world' we currently live in and its totally wrong. Britain needs her boarders back.

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