Saturday, January 30, 2010

History ‘in the making’

According to the Brussels Brainwashing Communists ‘wisdom’ or more accurately a BBC endorsed production of Robin Hood, friar Tuck was black! Apparently nobody has noticed this rather blatant rewrite of British History.
The only conclusion that I can logically form is that The Master stole the Tardis went back in time, kidnapped the real friar Tuck and replaced him with this bogus big black man! The reason for this is unclear however my current theory is that The Master must be in league with the crooked politicians of Westminster. This would follow since it would seem that the replacement of friar Tuck is not the only infringement to take place within the timeline.

The people of Nottingham do not seem to have noticed the switch! Now either the Men in Black (MIB) accompanied The Master into the past or some significant mind alteration (fluoride in the water?) has taken place. Take a look at other modern historical adaptations or re-makes. Technically speaking in London in the 18th and 19th century the only black faces you would expect to see would be chimney sweeps or dirty street urchins! Yet other black faces are creeping into the crowds more and more regularly! It would seem that whoever is responsible for butchering Robin Hood has his beady eye on the rest of British History and literature.

The timeline has defiantly affected The Doctor! Clearly as a Timelord he should know his British History and yet in the episode School Reunion we have him spouting multicult propaganda to Rose! Here The Doctor explains the nature of the aliens in question and uses an analogy of Britain ‘absorbing’ the cultures it ‘conquered’ or ‘immigrated’ to her! Like hell she did! I do not call Islamification absorbs I call it invasion and suffocation. This is destroying the indigenous culture. Being a Timelord you would expect The Doctor to be aware of this!

Dangerous Liaisons

I was staying with a friend not to long ago. It wasn’t long before RWBX and I was really exited! So to get into the spirit of things we watched the 2005 RWB DVD. Like my friend, BNP veterans will be aware that this particular RWB was somewhat overshadowed by the pending trials of our Nick Griffin and Mark Collett. In fact at this point the arrests were still fresh to mind. So it is only natural that it was this that formed the content of Mr Collett’s speech, in particular the circumstances of his arrest.

It was as Mr Collett described his arrest that, probably unbeknown to him, he posed an interesting philosophical question-is he [Mark Collett] really this frightening? (Apparently police in full riot gear attended his arrest!) Does Mr Collett realise the full implications of this proposition. To whom is Mr Collett appealing. Well initially the RWB, so a closed audience of BNP members, family and supporters. In this sense it is doubtful that this audience find Mr Collett in terms of a ‘traditional male’ remotely threatening. Yet is this the suggestion of the attendance by the fully clad riot police at Mr Collett’s arrest.

It may interest the readership to note that our ‘friends’ at HopeNotHate recently ‘outed’ Mr Collett as a red blooded male. I believe it was the pre-election leaflet The BNP View Of Women that reported Mr Collett at a Barnsley meeting “extolling his human right to ogle women in low cut tops”. Not suggesting that Mr Collett did or did not say these words. (BentNotStraight are notoriously bad note takers!) Anyway personally if it had been a BNP leaflet we are more likely to speak in terms of entitlement rather than human rights! The point here is that our liberal ‘friends’ are obviously threatened by a heterosexual male finding woman in low-cut tops sexually attractive. What we are really talking about here is human nature. I mean let’s be honest what do women in low-cut tops expect a red blooded male to do close his eyes!

Did you know human females are the only mammals whose glands protrude in such a fashion. I expect it is a sexual display. Other species have feathers or coloured scales etc. Now what we really should be asking ourselves is why women wear low-cut tops if not to display boobs. I ask you bras with underwire, and why create a strapless bra with cups like body armour if not to support a very tasteful low-cut top. In my opinion the end product does not deserve a burka thrown over it! It is hypocritical for one sex to flaunt its assets and expect the opposite sex not to respond in its natural way. Looking hurts no-one.

Having been ‘outed’ as an indigenous British heterosexual Mr Collett is really just observing his natural instinct. I suggest that instinct is base, animal. It is then expected that this is tempered by the civilised human. As such Mr Collett would not touch unless invited!

However, it would seem that this is not enough for our liberal ‘friends’. The personal checks and balances apparently cannot be relied upon in our ‘nu nanny state’. The European Heterosexual is just too threatening particularly to the so called fairer sex. It has become necessary in this liberal society to dumb down, effeminate or effectively emasculate the heterosexual male. Ideally convince him he is homosexual. In this way he ceases to be a threat. So when such people encounter an indigenous, British, heterosexual red-blooded male like Mr Collett they are terrified! Already ‘outed’ as the above threat what other flagrant acts of masculinity is he likely to unleash-rip open his shirt to reveal that he does not shave his chest. Or worse still go forth and multiply. What hideously white babies? My God this fiend should be tagged for all our safety!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Voluntary Repatriation and other issues...

Please let it be understood the people 'discussing' the BNP and throwing about so called ‘racist accusations' have no clear idea of the BNP's policies as they refuse to engage with them! Remember until Mr Griffin MEP and Mr Brons MEP were DEMOCRATICALLY elected even through a wave of anti-BNP scaremongering inspired by the 3 main parties-there has been a persistent government policy of no platform!

The voluntary repatriation that is being discussed is actually all ready on the government’s books! It just is not widely publicised. The current government is to busy using British tax payers money to repair roads in Africa, send medication to foreigners, while our NHS falls apart, our soldiers are sent to fight foreign wars but the government cannot 'afford' the equipment. Now that the BNP is legitimised the thieves in government are running scared.

This is another blatant attempt to try and threaten the legitimacy of the British National Party. It won't work because as lawyers have pointed out the GTC and teaching unions are using hypocrisy which is fundamentally discriminatory. Again what this government is trying to do is ostracise, harass and bully members of a democratically elected political party. Imagine the outrage from minority groups if this sort of action had taken place against Black Minority Ethnic (BME) Gay or Females!

CONSPIRACY! What Really Runs Great Britain

• A Muslim ‘peer’ threatens Westminster with a Muslim ‘army’ if Geert Wilders film Fitner is shown.
• Halal meat introduced into many British fast food chains.
• British civil servants ordered not to eat in front of Muslims fasting for Ramadan.
• Sharia law in British courts.
• Police forced to wear Muslim dress.
• Sharia banking introduced into British banks to the detriment of none Muslim customers.
• British school children having to fast for Ramadan.
• Liverpool couple arrested for voicing their opinion on Islam IN THEIR HOME a bed and breakfast. Example of Christian persecution in our own Land for ‘upsetting’ Muslims in an apparent ‘debate’.
• Indigenous people must cover up during Muslim allocated swimming periods so as not to cause ‘offence’.
• ‘Freedom of speech’ apparently allows Muslims to riot on the streets of Luton against our troops returning from Afghanistan. Yet it is potentially banned for indigenous folk peacefully demonstrating against the building of yet another mosque.
• Children given detention for refusing to kneel to ‘Allah’ during an RS lesson.
• Asylum seekers require that washrooms be specially adapted for their pre-prayer ritual washing.
• Christmas lights must be removed as they may ‘offend’ those of other faiths.
• Police are sent out for meals for Muslim prisoners as prison food does not meet their requirements.
• Christmas holidays changed to Winterval.
• Muslim children allowed to wear religious garb for school, as are children from other faiths. Yet Christian children are penalised for wearing a cross or crucifix.
• ‘Whites barred from Black Minority Ethnic (BME) organisations but Trevor Phillips and his Quango will not let any organisation exist that bars BME! (Just take a LOOK at the list of anti-white organisations! [yes if he can call us “racist” a pseudo-philosophy invented by his hero Lenin then i’ll throw it back!]
• Kris Donald was tortured by Muslims for being Scottish (!) in Scotland! This heinous crime did not leave his home town. Yet Steven Laurence-stabbed only once (probably only a robbery) has been turned into a virtual saint! Thank Christ he wasn’t a Muslim!
• Muslim Dr Muhammad Asha, linked to 7/7 bombings, continues to work for the NHS despite the fact that that the Home Office believe he is a threat to National security.
• However, most darkly ironic is that the media can show a 2000 strong rioting band of extremist Muslims attacking police in an attempt to stop 20 odd indigenous people from staging a demonstration. The spin they put on this is the “poor” Muslims are defending their way of life! YES IN MY LAND YOU FOOL. If the police had not been there those lads would have been torn apart!! What would the media have said then. They brought it on themselves as everybody knows white people do not have the RIGHT to have an opinion in Britain anymore.
• Funnily enough not 2 stories later plastered across the screen were 3 Muslim faces. Terrorists accused of bombing somewhere or other.

An 'Interesting' Letter...

NUJ Speakers invited from The BBC, Channel 4, NUJ Black Members’ Council, Ethics Council and anti-racists.

I was very interested in the letter to the above members on whether the democratically elected BNP MEP Mr Nick Griffin and Mr Andrew Brons should be given a fair voice by the press.

I should like to draw your attention to a quote that appeared in the not to distant past in the Sunday Telegraph (18-05-2009)

"[He] (Mr Griffin MEP) claims his party is not a racist party yet he won't have blacks or ethnic members: isn't that as good a definition of racism as any?"
In this case this is how YOU as POLITICALLY CORRECT journalists view ‘racism’.
A white man can set up a Nationalist political party and invite members to join. As long as he does not exclude the black or ethnic elements this is not ‘racist’.
A black man can set up an organisation exclusively for black members (The NUJ black members council is not lost on me!) White members need not apply! This is also not ‘racist’.

Therefore, I am to understand that under PC liberal law it is ‘racist’ for whites to exclude blacks/ethnics from their organisations, yet blacks/ethnics are well within their 'rights' to exclude whites from their organisations. Under this law the 'silent white majority' are discriminated against. This is clearly hypocritical and runs fundamentally against the grain of the true meaning of 'democracy'.

Anyone 'of colour' has an organisation 'in their corner' so to speak. The disabled, Gay 'rights'. Nothing is earned on merit. This is the legacy of the EU and all the BNP are fighting for is a level playing field. To put somebody in the white mans corner (I mean this in the generic sense) so his voice is heard.
With all these special interest groups the BNP is the only answer. Until Britain has escaped the EU and sanity is restored Mr Nick Griffin MEP and Mr Andrew Brons MEP are truly Britain's voice of the people. You might think to listen!

Open Letter to Trevor Phillips.

My home is no longer my castle.

Should a 'person' gain entry into my home I no longer have the right to defend it or myself. I risk rape, murder or both. Unless maybe the perpetrator is armed! Then (maybe) I have the grounds to assert that the perpetrator meant me harm. Does not illegal entrance to a premises suggest nefarious intentions.

This is equality under Liebour and how they treat women.

Tell me 'Mr' Phillips is this your idea of integrating those indigenous women who have not taken a Black Minority Ethnic (BME) partner? [The statistics bear me out. 'Crimes' such as burglary have been 'down graded so immigrants and asylum seekers perpetrators of these crimes cannot be deported. (thanks Liebour)]

So it seem to me that the EHRC is phenomenally lob sided when BRITISH tax payers money can be used to set up an organisation that bars 'whites'. Yet YOU have taken MY party to court on pseudo charges of 'racism'.

It is amazing the mileage Liebour and yourself has managed to get from this pseudo-philosophy that was invented by Lenin to accuse anyone who disagreed with him! I believe he is a "hero" of yours.

What will Liebours next project be? God forbid that it should offend or effect BME 'rights'. Ms Harman will you make it ‘law’ for indigenous women to take a BME partner? State sanctioned rape not enough.

Are You Racist? Or How Racist are you...

This “question” is so much a part of the multi-cult experiment that ‘it’ in itself has yet to be taken apart. Notice that is almost taken for granted that “racism” means White aggression or hatred towards those of colour. Those of colour ‘apparently’ cannot be “racist” towards Whites. So when the British National Party brought this to light with their Racism Cuts Both Ways that was inherently “racist” apparently!

The Establishment (and by this I mean the current Labour Government, its lackeys in the media and its variety of paid muscle) never want YOU to forget just what a bigot YOU are. Feel guilty White skins for the charmed life you lead. The Nation YOUR ancestors built with the sweat of their brow is not YOUR “right” because YOU are “racist”. Just look...

Channel 4 The Event: How Racist Are You-(Or an education in manipulation.) I admit I did not watch the whole programme but as a trained RE and (EU clone) citizenship teacher I am aware of what ‘experiment’ was to take place.
This originally takes with a class of children. The class is (supposedly) arbitrarily split into two. They in fact actually split by eye colour-blue/brown. In the class that follows the brown eyes are favoured over the blue eyes. The children, in some cases are even encouraged to treat the blue eyes unfairly but not told why. At the end of the class the subterfuge is divulged and everybody supposedly sees how easy it is to become a bigot. In the classroom this is used both to show the treatment of Blacks in Southern America pre-civil rights and Jews under Nuremberg Laws.

However, there is another side to this. How easy it is to manipulate. Officers at the Nuremberg Trials said they were only following orders. Electrocution experiments have been performed by psychologists to see just how far a person will go when ordered by a figure of authority. It is interesting to note that rumour has it (facebook, Youtube) military personnel have been asked if they would fire on their own. How far will Gordon Brown go to appease his European Union masters. I already think he’s way gone to far. I mean ‘thought crimes’ or ‘incitement to racial hatred’ rides rough shot over English Common Law surely.

Personally I don’t care if a single person is black, brown, yellow or white. What I do care about is the concept of Black on intellectual level. Take for example Black Power. For some reason this is more likely to be linked with Black pride. One can talk about Black Nationalism, particularly if one is Black, with a sense of racial pride. Yet turn the coin and White Power seems to be synonymous with White Supremacy not pride. The White child/teen cannot turn to its history or heritage without this ‘guilty’ smear of “racism”. When a White person approaches Nationalism immediately all scream 'Nazi'.

Apart from America, White Patriotism is treated with suspicion. Are you racist? Well to be quite honest I find it difficult to be a pseudo-philosophy invented by the communist dictator Lenin. I am an indigenous Briton, ethnically English and proud.
So next time you feel overcome with the pressing need to ask this rather patronising question keep this in mind! As Mr Nick Griffin MEP stated my ancestors have been in this land for 17000 years. It was built by my ancestors’ without Black, Minority Ethic (BME) validation. Therefore, it does not need Black, Minority Ethnic (BME) validation now!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


It would appear that the aim of English Nationalists Is to split Britain and make her four Country's separated and independent rather than the United Kingdom.

I certainly agree with an English Parliament that would reset the balance, and I wholly advocated the promotion of our English Heritage/ethnicity. However, I do not want an end to the British Isle as a United Kingdom. This is why I am BNP. I want a Pan-British Governance stemming from the bottom up.

Whilst I can to some extent understand that it may seem that an totally independent England would be able to better express her History and culture. "Together we are strong" and we need the strength of a United Kingdom to face a possible federal Europe.

The BNP don't have MPs YET and the Union is only on the verge of splitting due to anti-English factionalism and pro EU propaganda. The EU wants separate small provinces without power. I believe that as a totally separate supposedly 'independent' entity this is what we would be.

I am English and those that want a fully independent England do not speak for me.

I am proud to be Nationalistically BRITISH so you don't offend me by calling me such. I am ethnically English and would want the bloody immigrants OUT who are the main problem!

I think 'English Nationalists' fail to see that its the government setting these unfair policies not Nationalistic Brits!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Vote BNP in 2010