Saturday, January 23, 2010

Are You Racist? Or How Racist are you...

This “question” is so much a part of the multi-cult experiment that ‘it’ in itself has yet to be taken apart. Notice that is almost taken for granted that “racism” means White aggression or hatred towards those of colour. Those of colour ‘apparently’ cannot be “racist” towards Whites. So when the British National Party brought this to light with their Racism Cuts Both Ways that was inherently “racist” apparently!

The Establishment (and by this I mean the current Labour Government, its lackeys in the media and its variety of paid muscle) never want YOU to forget just what a bigot YOU are. Feel guilty White skins for the charmed life you lead. The Nation YOUR ancestors built with the sweat of their brow is not YOUR “right” because YOU are “racist”. Just look...

Channel 4 The Event: How Racist Are You-(Or an education in manipulation.) I admit I did not watch the whole programme but as a trained RE and (EU clone) citizenship teacher I am aware of what ‘experiment’ was to take place.
This originally takes with a class of children. The class is (supposedly) arbitrarily split into two. They in fact actually split by eye colour-blue/brown. In the class that follows the brown eyes are favoured over the blue eyes. The children, in some cases are even encouraged to treat the blue eyes unfairly but not told why. At the end of the class the subterfuge is divulged and everybody supposedly sees how easy it is to become a bigot. In the classroom this is used both to show the treatment of Blacks in Southern America pre-civil rights and Jews under Nuremberg Laws.

However, there is another side to this. How easy it is to manipulate. Officers at the Nuremberg Trials said they were only following orders. Electrocution experiments have been performed by psychologists to see just how far a person will go when ordered by a figure of authority. It is interesting to note that rumour has it (facebook, Youtube) military personnel have been asked if they would fire on their own. How far will Gordon Brown go to appease his European Union masters. I already think he’s way gone to far. I mean ‘thought crimes’ or ‘incitement to racial hatred’ rides rough shot over English Common Law surely.

Personally I don’t care if a single person is black, brown, yellow or white. What I do care about is the concept of Black on intellectual level. Take for example Black Power. For some reason this is more likely to be linked with Black pride. One can talk about Black Nationalism, particularly if one is Black, with a sense of racial pride. Yet turn the coin and White Power seems to be synonymous with White Supremacy not pride. The White child/teen cannot turn to its history or heritage without this ‘guilty’ smear of “racism”. When a White person approaches Nationalism immediately all scream 'Nazi'.

Apart from America, White Patriotism is treated with suspicion. Are you racist? Well to be quite honest I find it difficult to be a pseudo-philosophy invented by the communist dictator Lenin. I am an indigenous Briton, ethnically English and proud.
So next time you feel overcome with the pressing need to ask this rather patronising question keep this in mind! As Mr Nick Griffin MEP stated my ancestors have been in this land for 17000 years. It was built by my ancestors’ without Black, Minority Ethic (BME) validation. Therefore, it does not need Black, Minority Ethnic (BME) validation now!

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