Saturday, January 23, 2010

CONSPIRACY! What Really Runs Great Britain

• A Muslim ‘peer’ threatens Westminster with a Muslim ‘army’ if Geert Wilders film Fitner is shown.
• Halal meat introduced into many British fast food chains.
• British civil servants ordered not to eat in front of Muslims fasting for Ramadan.
• Sharia law in British courts.
• Police forced to wear Muslim dress.
• Sharia banking introduced into British banks to the detriment of none Muslim customers.
• British school children having to fast for Ramadan.
• Liverpool couple arrested for voicing their opinion on Islam IN THEIR HOME a bed and breakfast. Example of Christian persecution in our own Land for ‘upsetting’ Muslims in an apparent ‘debate’.
• Indigenous people must cover up during Muslim allocated swimming periods so as not to cause ‘offence’.
• ‘Freedom of speech’ apparently allows Muslims to riot on the streets of Luton against our troops returning from Afghanistan. Yet it is potentially banned for indigenous folk peacefully demonstrating against the building of yet another mosque.
• Children given detention for refusing to kneel to ‘Allah’ during an RS lesson.
• Asylum seekers require that washrooms be specially adapted for their pre-prayer ritual washing.
• Christmas lights must be removed as they may ‘offend’ those of other faiths.
• Police are sent out for meals for Muslim prisoners as prison food does not meet their requirements.
• Christmas holidays changed to Winterval.
• Muslim children allowed to wear religious garb for school, as are children from other faiths. Yet Christian children are penalised for wearing a cross or crucifix.
• ‘Whites barred from Black Minority Ethnic (BME) organisations but Trevor Phillips and his Quango will not let any organisation exist that bars BME! (Just take a LOOK at the list of anti-white organisations! [yes if he can call us “racist” a pseudo-philosophy invented by his hero Lenin then i’ll throw it back!]
• Kris Donald was tortured by Muslims for being Scottish (!) in Scotland! This heinous crime did not leave his home town. Yet Steven Laurence-stabbed only once (probably only a robbery) has been turned into a virtual saint! Thank Christ he wasn’t a Muslim!
• Muslim Dr Muhammad Asha, linked to 7/7 bombings, continues to work for the NHS despite the fact that that the Home Office believe he is a threat to National security.
• However, most darkly ironic is that the media can show a 2000 strong rioting band of extremist Muslims attacking police in an attempt to stop 20 odd indigenous people from staging a demonstration. The spin they put on this is the “poor” Muslims are defending their way of life! YES IN MY LAND YOU FOOL. If the police had not been there those lads would have been torn apart!! What would the media have said then. They brought it on themselves as everybody knows white people do not have the RIGHT to have an opinion in Britain anymore.
• Funnily enough not 2 stories later plastered across the screen were 3 Muslim faces. Terrorists accused of bombing somewhere or other.

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